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Medication Management

People visit a psychiatrist for many reasons – anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, difficulty functioning at work or school, challenges in relationships, self-esteem issues, and many other reasons. As a psychiatrist with expertise in diagnosis, medication management, and psychotherapy, Dr. Zaidi helps his patients develop a multi-level approach to treatment that meets all of their individual psychiatric needs. Dr. Zaidi creates individualized treatment plans which include medication when necessary and comprehensive psychotherapy.

Prescribing medication in mental health requires medication management. In medication management, the patient and physician work together to determine whether or not medication is necessary and/or the right option for the patient. Medication management is an approach used to develop and monitor a complete and effective course of medication combined with continual monitoring and revision when necessary. Medication management sessions allow providers to ensure that the medications the patient has been prescribed are working the way that they should and suggest changes when needed. Patients can discuss any symptoms they may still experience, side effects, if any, that may occur, and any questions regarding medication during these sessions.